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Self Care on a Time Crunch: 3 Quick Steps to Add to Your Beauty Routine

Beauty, Lifestyle

Self Care on a Time Crunch: 3 Quick Steps to Add to Your Beauty Routine

On a typical weekday, very few of us have time to stop and take care of ourselves. Between work, school and a social life, must of us would call it a good day if we even have time to wash our hair. Even though we’ve only got 24 hours in a day and so much to do, I think it’s important to implement little things into your beauty routine to help you relax, take a moment for yourself and do something good for you body. Here’s a look at the three items I’ve added to my beauty routine for some quick self care…

Dry Brushing:

You may have heard of this craze lately as it has popped up in the beauty routines of all of our favorite bloggers. If you haven’t, dry brushing is the use of a firm bristle body-brush on dry skin in an upward motion on the whole body. It promotes lymphatic drainage, circulation and helps your body eliminate toxins. I’ve started dry brushing while I wait for my shower to heat up since it only takes about one minute to dry brush from head to toe! This quick addition to my beauty routine is not only good for my body, but makes me feel smooth and soft after I get out of my shower.

Facial Rolling:

Just like dry brushing, you’ve probably seen this new fad of facial rolling all over social media. The use of a jade or rose quartz facial roller has quickly become one of my favorite parts of my beauty routine. I use my roller after I’ve applied my night creams to help my skin soak in the product. I roll in upwards motions on my neck, jawline, cheekbones, under eye, smile line and frown lines to promote drainage and prevent aging. This step takes no extra time in my beauty routine because it replaces the time I take each night to massage my products into my face with my hands, not to mention reducing the bacteria transferred from my hands to my face.

Sleeping Masks:

While we all appreciate a good face mask from time to time, it’s very rare that we have time in our daily schedule to sit still for 20-30 minutes with a sleep mask on our face. I struggle with dry and acne-prone skin, so masking is a key part of my beauty routine.

But how do I find time to mask on a busy schedule? The answer is simple: do it in your sleep! A sleeping mask is a fantastic way to get the skin treatments you need when you have little time to add anything into your beauty routine. Sleeping masks are usually packed with hydrating and brightening ingredients and replace your night cream. This step is a great way to wake up glowy and hydrated without wasting any time after a busy day.

Even when your days are full and your to do list is long, you can always find time here and there to implement easy and simple steps in your beauty routine to make you feel and look like your best self. I hope that these three items are something that you can enjoy in your beauty routine even on your busiest days!

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